我们的基础建立在道德、同理心、环境正义和社会正义之上. 从我们生产十大彩票网赌平台的方式来看, 我们如何对待员工和支持当地社区, 我们致力于为我们所有人创造一个更安全、更可持续的家园.

我们相信每个人都应该拥有一个健康的家. That’s why we actively work with federal and state governments to pass legislation that requires the disclosure of ingredients in cleaning products.
每个人都应该知道他们带回家的清洁十大彩票网赌平台里有什么. It’s hard to believe that there’s no federal requirement for manufacturers to disclose their ingredients. 我们很自豪能够帮助通过加州清洁十大彩票网赌平台知情权法案, 美国第一定律.S. 要求披露清洁十大彩票网赌平台的成分. We worked closely with legislators and a coalition of businesses and nonprofit organizations to help pass this historic bill.
现在, we’re fighting for a federal law that would give all Americans the information they need to choose safer cleaning products. That’s why we’re working with the American Sustainable Business Network to stop the Accurate Labels Act which, 尽管它的名字, would replace California’s strong requirements with weak federal protections that would put people at greater risk for illnesses like asthma, 湿疹和十大彩票网赌平台. We’re working with ASBN to support new federal legislation based on California’s strong ingredient disclosure requirements.

美国.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 安全的选择 program helps shoppers find cleaning products made with safer, 有效成分.
我们很自豪能成为美国的领导者.S. 环保署的安全选择计划, with over 120 安全的选择-certified products and seven 安全的选择 Partner of the Year awards.
We work closely with our federal representatives to support the 安全的选择 program to ensure that this important program continues to thrive and help consumers easily find the safer cleaning products they’re looking for.

绿色化学对我们的健康和未来至关重要, 因此,我们正在努力要求在制造业中使用更安全的化学物质. We worked closely with our Congressional representatives to pass desperately needed reform of the Toxic Substances Control Act, which requires the EPA to review the safety of thousands of chemicals used in industry and manufacturing.
We partnered with the American Sustainable Business Network to support the bipartisan Sustainable Chemistry Research and Development Act, 这就要求联邦机构将可持续化学纳入研究, 开发和其他项目.
We also worked with ASBN to convince leaders in 新 York State to include green purchasing in their procurement programs to help create safer communities and a stronger economy.

我们知道孩子们居住的地方有有毒的化学物质, 学习和玩耍是十大彩票网赌平台的重要危险因素. That’s why we joined the Childhood Cancer Prevention Initiative to produce a report warning about the dangers of toxic chemicals from traffic-related air pollution, 农药, 油漆和溶剂对儿童健康的影响.

我们减少了能源的使用, 减少了99%以上的浪费, 降低交通排放,投资清洁风能项目, 极大地改变我们的运营方式,不仅仅是实现碳中和, 但气候积极. 但还有更多的工作要完成——在为时已晚之前.
我们的星球已经到了全球变暖的危机点,现在是采取行动的时候了. That’s why we’re partnering with the American Sustainable Business Network to advocate for a carbon pricing solution that will work for both businesses and our planet. We’re also working to permanently protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from further drilling and transportation of oil and gas that threaten the Refuge and contribute to climate change.

在ECOS,我们通过生产自己的太阳能来创造一个清洁能源的未来, 投资清洁能源水电, 风能项目,在我们的工厂安装电动汽车充电站和电动汽车叉车. We’re also using our voice to advocate for clean energy solutions on a national scale that will create green jobs and protect our planet.
与美国可持续商业网络合作, we’re urging Congress to pass legislation that will incentivize investment in renewable energy, 电动汽车基础设施和海上风能.

Environmental justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of communities that disproportionately face environmental harms in environmental policies and solutions.
We believe everyone should have access to products that are safer for people and the environment, 所以我们制造绿色清洁十大彩票网赌平台,让所有人都能负担得起,并能买到.
我们争取减少气候和污染对服务不足社区影响的政策, 包括提供清洁水的立法, 绿色交通和清洁经济的工作留给黑人, 布朗和土著社区.


我们希望我们的星球得到妥善的管理. 从奖学金到科学项目, we’re committed to sharing knowledge and inspiring the next generation of caretakers for our planet.
我们的创始人,Van Vlahakis,相信赋予下一代力量. Giving students a strong foundation in green science is the best way to ensure we’ll find the solutions needed for our planet and our future.
这就是为什么我们资助了芝加哥罗斯福大学的弗拉哈基斯有机化学实验室, allowing students to study green chemistry and research new products based on renewable resources.
We also created the UCLA Vlahakis-Hanks Undergraduate Scholarship to recognize students demonstrating leadership in environmental issues, 社区赋权, 或者希腊的原因.
Our ECOS Van Vlahakis Memorial College Scholarship through the California Grocers Association Educational Foundation also gives students the opportunity to study sustainable solutions to today’s biggest environmental problems.

我们的孩子是明天环境的管家, 因此,我们需要为他们提供创造更绿色未来所需的工具. Our ECOScience education program gives kids of all ages hands-on experience with green chemistry. 他们在实践中学习, 在全国各地的活动和我们的设施中制作自己的ECOS洗衣粉.
The ECOScience program also teaches thousands of 5th grade students every year through our partnership with children’s museums across the country. 博物馆教育工作者把这个项目带进了教室, giving students a deeper understanding of the science behind soap as they make green laundry detergent to take home. 给小孩子的, ECOS uses interactive museum exhibits to teach environmentally friendly ways to live and shop.

创造一个更环保的未来的唯一方法是帮助其他公司也变得更环保. We’re sharing our sustainable business practices with companies that are looking for ways to become more environmentally friendly. Helping other companies discover that doing the right thing isn’t just good for people and the planet, 这对生意有好处.

我们相信清洁, green science is the future – and what better way to facilitate that than by getting the next generation excited about green chemistry? We bring interactive programs into schools and host field trips at our facilities so kids can make green cleaning products themselves. 谁知道呢,也许我们会找到下一个绿色化学家或工程师?
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